Easy Halloween Spooky Sensory Activity

A photo of a red pepper with a green stem, cut open vertically. The pepper looks like a witch, with the seeds and pith making a funny face. There are googly eyes on the pepper.

Looking for a fun Halloween activity to do with kids?

Cut open a bell pepper and see if you can find the spooky face inside!

Invite kids to share what kind of voice they think their pepper would have!

Explore the pepper, inside and out, and notice all the different features:

🌢 stem

🌢 seeds

🌢 pith

🌢 skin

🌢 spaces

Invite kids to use all their senses, and explore the way it

πŸ‘€ looks

πŸ‘ƒπŸΌ smells

βœ‹πŸ» feels

πŸ‘‚πŸΎ sounds

πŸ‘… tastes

Notice patterns, textures and shapes.

πŸ«‘ Talk about how peppers come in different shapes, sizes and colours, and how, despite these differences, they’re all in the same family (like people!)

Ask kids to share memories they have about growing and eating peppers.

Then, cut the peppers up together and eat them for a yummy snack with a bit of hummus or dip!

Happy Halloween! πŸŒΆπŸ«‘πŸŽƒ

🌈 Janet

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